Darkwood Ranger

Darkwood Ranger
List: Master Miscellaneous
Cost: 3
Prereqs: Tracking
Skill Type: Miscellaneous
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

This skill allows the character to move through the Darkwood Forest unmolested by its denizens by knowing the safe paths to travel and how not to alert the creatures that live there. If the character wishes, they can lead a group of no more than seven other characters safely through at one time.

It does not give the character any special knowledge of what might live in the forest or where anything in the forest is, just how to navigate safely through it.

The more intelligent, free willed creatures in the forest are not fooled and can choose to act when they see the character normally. Additionally, these Darkwood creatures do not take kindly to intruders and usually act to kill anyone with this skill they find wandering where they are not supposed to be.

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